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From Emote Wiki
Revision as of 00:29, 12 February 2025 by EmoteWiki (talk | contribs)

The Emote Wiki was created to be a community repository of the context, history, and anecdotes behind your favorite platform's emotes. Intended for folks who want to have some idea how to keep up with chat conversations flooded with images, or for those just wanting to record history and trivia for future generations.

For this beta release, editing and page creation is open to all and encouraged. In the near future edits will likely restricted to verified email accounts and scrutinized for quality. Have fun and feel free to share feedback and suggestions with discussion on this main page.


Category:Twitch Category:Kick Category:YouTube Category:BetterTTV Category:7TV Category:FrankerFaceZ Category:Fortnite Category:Roblox